Commons Network is a think tank and collaboratory for the new economy and society.

We bring together people and ideas and we provide tools and insights for social movements, governments and civil society.

We explore new models for economy and society in order to collectively transform the system and shape a caring and just future.

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Global Sacrifice Zones: The Cost of the Energy and Digital Transition on the DRC

For this blog, we zoom in on the issues of energy transition and digital economy for one of the many sacrificed zones in the global capitalist economy: the Kivu, in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). July 16, 2024

The Second Enclosure: Debt Traps

How do we achieve a state of affairs where sovereign countries can democratically address the provision of  basic necessities for their populations? How is debt intertwined with a growth-based economy? These are some of the questions we will be addressing in the blog series on  Debt in a Postgrowth World by our postgrowth researcher Alba Garcia.  July 10, 2024
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Human Stories of Digital Transformation

Digital Commons

Code of Conduct for Data Sharing in the Social Economy

Postgrowth Pan-European Network

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Leren van de Toekomst: Commons en Bestaanszekerheid in Theorie en Praktijk

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