Come to the spectacular closing party of Common In!
What is the role of art for systemic change? And vice versa: what does the urgency of the various rampant crises mean for artists? What role(s) do they see for themselves? Should they produce radical imagination? Should their work focus on reality? Should it be system-critical? What do their artistic practices look like?
Common In is a public program on radical imagination and social transition, from October 2021 through June 2022. This evening is a reflection, a preview of the next edition, and a celebratory conclusion all in one. In a collective conversation, we will start with the question: what have we learned during the past months? What can we build on? And then: where are the intersections between social struggles and the arts? How do we bring the transitions further?
The artists from the program, the creators of the program, as well as the participants and the audience will all have their say. A closing party is not a party without music: after the discussion, live acts will play our ears off and afterwards the DJ will spin records.
Artists from the Common In programme: Kitty Maria (Hosting Soil), Alina Lupu (The Artist as Public Servant), Natascha Hagenbeek (The Universe as Common Treasury)
Also: Monique Peperkamp (UvA/Extinction Rebellion), Jeroen Boomgaard (Rietveld Academie), Theo Tegelaers (TAAK), Sophie Bloemen and Thomas de Groot (Commons Network), and hosts and participants of the gaming sessions Liquid Dependencies
Location: De Nieuwe Anita, Frederik Hendrikstraat 111.
Date? Saturday 25 juni
19:30: doors open
20:00: conversation starts
21:30: drinks, live music, dancing!