This Tuesday, November 15, ‘The Big Capitalism Debate’ will take place at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam. During this evening we will discuss a just and sustainable transition beyond capitalism. What does an anti-capitalist future look like? The program is developed by Pakhuis de Zwijger in collaboration with Progressief Café.

Winne van Woerden, our program lead Degrowth & Care Economy, will participate in the conversation.
Other participants on the panel are:
- Bas Jacobs, Professor of Public Economics VU Amsterdam
- Senna Maatoug, Member of Parliament for Groenlinks
- Sjors Roeters, Journalist at Vrij Nederland & Author
- Afke Groen, Director Mr. Hans van Mierlo Foundation
- Sander van der Kraan, Co-founder Woonprotest and campaign strategist
- Anja Meulenbelt, Writer, feminist and activist
- Yasmin Ait Abderrahman, President at FNV Young & United
The evening will be moderated by Rania Ali and Kiza Magendane of Progressive Café.
More information about the debate and speakers can be found on the website of Pakhuis de Zwijger.
You can attend the debate for free, it will also be recorded. You can register here.
Couldn’t attend the evening? You can watch the full debate back below