Commons Network, together with the European Municipalist Network and local partners, is hosting a series of skill sharing sessions. Next event: ‘The Power of Storytelling’. Join us!
The skill share sessions give participants from the European Municipalist Network a chance to learn from eachother. By excanging innovative practices and methodologies, experiences and strategies, we will strengthen the translocal municipalist movement.
We all have useful skills to share for municipalist activism and organising. There is so much to share, like skills that we use in our work in community building, political activism, advocacy, journalism, communications, coalition building, to name just a few of the skills we identified in the municipalist network.
Skill sharing sessions are accessible and empowering and practical. They are meant to help local groups spread knowledge and experiences amongst themselves. The events can be practical and useful, whilst bringing people together and building networks.
Each skill share will start with an inspiring presentation by an organisation with experience and expertise on the particular issue. These will then be followed by Q&A exchanges, breakout groups and plenary conversations.

The first skill-sharing session was organized Commons Network together with the platform Nantes en Commun, focusing on Building a Democratic Local Economy. We will soon post a report and a podcast from that event.
The next event will be next week, on the 22nd of March at 19:00. The topic: Storytelling and Political Education. This event will be hosted and organized by Verdedig Noord, our friends from Amsterdam, in collaboration with Zagreb Je Nas. The comrades from Verdedig Noord write:
“Verdedig Noord, in collaboration with Zagreb Je Nas and Commons Network, will be hosting an online skillshare session on the topic of “Political Education and Mobilization; the power of storytelling”. We will be focusing on the importance of narrative building for wider political transformation, specifically focusing on how storytelling can be a tool to mobilise young people and engage disenfranchised groups towards radical systems change.
Our allies from Zagreb will be touching on the topic of mobilization and how to mobilize people, especially young people in regard to politics and social issues. Expect this session to be not only interesting but also interactive!”
Don’t miss it. Register here.
Other skill shares to look forward to:
- Feminist Politics and Putting Care at the Center, organized by the Feminisation of Politics Network. Date and time: March 29th at 17:00. Register here.
- Creative Use of Law in Reclaiming Public Space and Re-socialising Housing, organized by L’Asilo Naples. Date and time: April 13th at 17:00. Register here.