Democratise Europe: a Manifesto


This manifesto is the result of a collaborative process and campaign, driven by Commons Network and supported by the European Cultural Foundation.

Co-signed by Waag, Netwerk Democratie, European Alternatives, Democracy International, European Democracy Lab and the European Cultural Foundation, this document outlines a holistic vision on democratisation that goes beyond the current superficial discourse championed by French president Macron on one side and the far-right on the other side.

Instead, this group of civil society actors urge the next generation of European politicians to also democratise the economy and to disrupt social power structures that maintain systemic inequalities. The manifesto suggests the commons as an alternative vision on society and democratic communities, re-inventing local value-driven economies and re-introducing practices that are generative instead of exploitative and extractive, bolstering a re-vived sense of belonging.

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You can download this publication for free by clicking here, or you can order it by donating.

Product of a collaborative process and campaign, driven by Commons Network and supported by the European Cultural Foundation.