Commons Assembly: For a Renewed Political Force in Europe

The crisis of the European Union begs for new, unifying and constructive narratives –alternatives to the right-wing populist and nationalist wave that gets fiercer every day.

A commons approach holds the potential for a unified vision towards an alternative economy, a Europe from the bottom up, and an ecological economy and way of life. The idea of jointly administrating shared resources, community and a generative economy can find resonance with a diverse range of citizens.

The European Commons Assembly is an effort to provide a platform for these connections and trans-local solidarity. The European Commons Assembly that took place in Brussels in November 2016 has been a case in point for the unifying potential of the commons, and a symbol of maturity of the commons movement.

A myriad of over 150 commoners, activists, and social innovators from different corners of europe came to Brussels for three days to develop new synergies, express solidarity, and to discuss european politics as well as policy proposals.

In the European Parliament, Members of Parliament exchanged views with this ‘Commons Assembly’, and the political energy generated by bringing all these people together in this context was exceptional.

Read the whole article here below. This piece was published in the Transeuropa 2017 Booklet, as part of the Transeuropa Festival organised by our partners European Alternatives. You can download the whole booklet here, in pdf.


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