‘We need growth to eradicate extreme poverty.’ ‘We need growth to fund the energy transition and invest in public health’. ‘We can decouple growth from ecological impact’. Even though we are in the midst of ecological breakdown and social crises, growth advocates keep defending growth with ever more arguments about why we need it. Time to dismantle the growth narrative. In this series of articles, lead author of our degrowth book Living Well on a Finite Planet, Building a Caring World Beyond Growth and coordinator of our Degrowth and Caring Economy Programme Winne van Woerden, responds to arguments to defend growth (and against degrowth).
Related blogs:
Blog 1: Launching our new series
Blog 2: ‘We can decouple economic growth from ecological impact’ and other myths
Blog 3: ‘We need growth because otherwise our economies will collapse’ and other myths
Blog 4: We need growth to fund a strong welfare state’ and other myths
Related presentations:
Booklaunch at Fearless Cities Conference, Barcelona, July 2021
Presentation ISEE-ESEE Conference “Building Alternative Livelihoods in times of ecological and
political crisis” (International and European Society for Ecological Economics), Manchester, July 2021
Presentation 8th International Degrowth Conference “Caring Communities for
Radical Change”, Den Haag, August 2021
Presentation Be-Cause International Conference “Climate Justice & Health Equity”, Antwerpen, November 2021
Presentation XIV ESEE Conference “Will Achilles catch up with the Turtoise?”, Pisa, June 2022
Presentation summer school “Global Health between ethics and economisation”, Berlijn, July 2022
Podcast “Een bloeiende samenleving heeft geen economische groei”, (Dutch) Het Redelijke Midden, February 2022