Grote en Kleine Vragen over ons Onderzoek naar Bestaanszekerheid
Hier beantwoorden we de vragen die werden gesteld tijdens webinar over ons nieuwe rapport over de toekomst van de bestaanszekerheid, over onze aanpak, over de rol van gemeenten en nog veel meer.
March 17, 2021
Fearless in Amsterdam: housing is about homes, not investment
Amsterdam is part of the global municipalist Fearless Cities Network. Commons Network collaborates with activist groups in the dotank The […]
Degrowth and Health: Caring as an Ethic of Non-Exploitation
Degrowth and health: What would it mean for the healthcare sector to abandon the quest for GDP growth and follow a degrowth vision instead?
March 7, 2021
Geen visie in debat over medicijnen? Op naar een revolverend fonds!
Het had een inspiratievolle avond kunnen worden waar de contouren van de transformatie van het systeem werden geschetst. Maar in het debat van vorige week kwamen vooral probleemanalyses en argumenten voorbij die we al kennen.
March 5, 2021
Nieuwe publicatie: commons en de toekomst van de bestaanszekerheid
Vandaag lanceren Stichting Commons Network en SVB-innovatielab Novum het rapport Leren van de Toekomst: Commons en Bestaanszekerheid in Theorie en Praktijk.
March 2, 2021
Caring and Solidarity: Come to the launch of our new report
You are invited to join the launch of the new report 'Leren van de Toekomst: Commons en Bestaanszekerheid in Theorie en Praktijk'
February 25, 2021
Dutch Elections Live: the Access to Medicines Debate
Next Thursday, on the 25th of February, candidates of five political parties will participate in a debate about access to medicines.
February 17, 2021
Degrowth: Building a New Discourse of Health and Care
Degrowth: Building a New Discourse of Health and Care, Part 1
February 13, 2021
Vrij Beton: crowdfunding free cultural spaces
Amsterdam is gentrifying and becoming more homogeneous. Over the past few years, many free cultural spaces have been terminated. Diversity […]
December 9, 2020
A Syrian democratic social economy in the making
In the war torn region of Rojava, Syria, a communal economy has been steadily growing as people form cooperatives and […]
November 18, 2020
Caring and Thriving: Bollier and Helfrich on the Future of Social Security
Caring and Thriving: Bollier and Helfrich on the Future of Social Security. A conversation about commons-based security, care income, alternative currencies, self-organisation and resillience.
October 16, 2020
Urban commons: utilizing the Right to Challenge in Rotterdam
With a bang we published a booklet on urban commons two years ago: Urban Commons: Shared Spaces. Among the policy […]
September 30, 2020
Cape Town: Towards a Municipal Regulation for the Commons
Crowdsourcing a Commons Transition Plan in Cape Town
September 25, 2020
Why We Need a People’s Vaccine Right Now
A People’s Vaccine for COVID-19 is based on shared knowledge and must be freely available to everyone, everywhere worldwide.
September 24, 2020
Digital Rights on top of the agenda
The corona pandemic – and especially the development of a Dutch corona-app, has reignited debate about online security and digital […]
September 21, 2020
Interoperability #2: The fork in the road
Updates about our deep dive into the digital interoperability debate from the Shared Digital Europe team
September 17, 2020
Interoperability #1: Policymaking is worldbuilding
Updates from our deep dive into the digital interoperability debate, brought to you by the Shared Digital Europe team
Another Amsterdam food coop is transforming the food system
Amsterdam has a long list of initiatives trying to change the way we look at the food on our daily […]
September 11, 2020
A big step towards sustainable and cooperative tourism
Last week Commons Network joined a virtual-but-local Amsterdam meeting hosted by We learned from its founders about a new […]
September 3, 2020
Introducing our new board member: Sandra Bos
– – – S C R O L L D O W N F O R E N G L […]
August 19, 2020
The commons way of life in Ecovillage Boekel
Ecovillages: The commons way of life
August 10, 2020
Rethinking not repairing: a call for Utopianism
Commons Network researcher Winne van Woerden investigates the links between commoning and public health, and how commoners play their part […]
August 5, 2020
From psychiatric patients to active and connected human beings
– – [ S C R O L L D O W N F O R E N G L […]
July 27, 2020
Commons Transitie Plan Amsterdam
Het schrijven aan een Commons Transitieplan voor Amsterdam gaat van start.
July 20, 2020
“Nobody is in charge, but everything gets done”
– – [ S C R O L L D O W N F O R E N G L […]
Caring coops go where professional healthcare providers can’t
– – [ S C R O L L D O W N F O R E N G […]
Rethinking Dutch subsistence security in a changing world
De basis van ons onderzoek naar bestaanszekerheid en commons is gelegd, samen met onze partner en innovatielab Novum. Een intensieve […]
July 15, 2020
Conferentie Commons en de Omgevingsvisie: Een verslag
Conferentie Commons en de Omgevingsvisie: Een Verslag
June 11, 2020
Herenboeren Kantelen het Voedselsysteem
Cooperative farming communities are changing the food system
May 19, 2020
Broodfondsen: Zo Geef Je Solidariteit Een Gezicht
Broodfondsen: Zo Geef Je Solidariteit Een Gezicht
May 6, 2020
Commons en de Nieuwe Omgevingsvisie
Wat hebben stedelijke commons aan de nieuwe Omgevingswet?
April 30, 2020
Support Your Locals: Neighbourhood Currencies
Building Community Wealth With Local Currencies
April 27, 2020
The Medicines Patent Pool: A Remedy for the Anti-Commons
Pooling Knowledge to Fight Corona: The Story of the Medicines Patent Pool
April 23, 2020
Pooling Knowledge: Private Medicine vs. Public Health?
The COVID-19 crisis marks a critical moment for medicines: how to go from a capitalist logic to a system that is driven by the needs of the public and the health of the people?
April 12, 2020
Degrowth, Health and Commoning Practices
Is commoning healthier than growth?
March 30, 2020
Costa Rica Is Right: We Need a Global Coronavirus Knowledge Pool
We Need a Global Coronavirus Knowledge Pool
March 26, 2020
Ensure Access to Covid-19 Treatments!
Corona medicines resulting from public investments must be free for all people
March 25, 2020
Commons and Social Security: Announcing Our New Research
— [ S C R O L L D O W N F O R E N G L I […]
March 12, 2020
What’s New at Commons Network HQ?
Over the past few months, we have made some important changes in our organisation. We are happy with the way […]
December 20, 2019
Municipalist Conference Kick-Off 2019: Top 10 things you absolutely cannot miss
This week, activists from all over the world get together in Amsterdam to kick-start the local municipalist movement. The event […]
December 3, 2019
Amsterdam University’s New Research Field: Urban Mental Health
Commons Network researcher Taru is investigating the links between capitalism, mental illness and commoning as a possible remedy. On our […]
November 28, 2019
An Important Week For Commons Network’s Digital Work
This week is a big week for Commons Network’s digital work. Our director Sophie Bloemen reports. This week, we are […]
November 27, 2019
Participation or Real Ownership?
Our colleague Ruth is researching the ‘Omgevingswet’, a new set of Dutch laws to manage the designing of the physical […]
November 22, 2019
Commoning and Mental Health: The Way Forward
Commons Network researcher Taru is investigating the links between capitalism, mental illness and commoning as a possible remedy. On our […]
November 12, 2019
Generation Hope, Commons and Municipalism: Ecopolis Festival 2019
Commons Network is participating in the Ecopolis Festival in Brussels, organised by our friends at think tank Oikos and the […]
November 10, 2019
Is The New Dutch Environment and Planning Act Good For The Commons?
Every week or so, our colleague Ruth will keep us updated on her ongoing research into the new Dutch law […]
November 5, 2019
Aristotle and Other Commoners: The New ICJ Is Out
The International Journal of the Commons (IJC) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal. Twice a year, during Fall and Spring, […]
Can a Society Be Insane?
Our colleague Taru is researching the links between capitalism and depression and the potential of commoning as a practice to […]
October 31, 2019
Commons Network Joins the Amsterdam Fearless Cities Team
This summer, Commons Network started a new partnership with the municipal government of the city of Amsterdam. The city is […]
October 23, 2019
Visiting: municipality South-East Amsterdam
Last week, Commons Network was invited to a presentation and co-creation session in the South-East of the city, organised by […]
October 22, 2019